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Monday, June 6, 2011

Male Host Bar in Singapore

“What is a girl like you doing here on a Friday night? How can you not have a date?”

A Stephan Fung look-alike asked me. Knowing it is his job to flatter the ladies regardless; I still can’t help but believe that was a sincere compliment.

Stephen Fung
A week before, I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to check out a Male Host Bar in Singapore with me. It isn’t a place where men are surrounded by ladies and get to slap the asses and treat women as sexual objects but women with the money hold the “slapping” power. To put it crudely, some call it a duck den (working girls are called chicken in Asia).

With high expectations to see some real sleaze last Friday, I was dripping with anticipation. I opened up my wardrobe and thought of dressing to the nines since it’s a rare occasion that I go out after dark. Then I thought, “Wait a minute, why do I need to dress up when I am going to a lady’s bar? Regardless of what I wear or how I look, the men are bound to fly to me like bees to honey.”

Like a sugar mummy, literally.

Looking back at my reflection, I can’t help but admit I am a little excited at this empowerment of role reversal. I put down my mascara wand and removed my make-up, fantasize on the scenarios that await me. The clock struck ten; I jumped into the car to pick my wing girl up.

“Wait up!” I shouted to my friend. She is even more excited than me.

We approached the 2 white stone lions at its entrance and looked up sheepishly at the bouncer. As nonchalantly as I can muster, I casually waved my hand and asked, “How does this work? Do we need to pay cover?”

I had to stop myself from asking if the drinks are expensive inside because that’s what I heard and I am a stingy mummy.

The very amiable pimp with his pink pony tail and ripped jeans seemed excited with the knowledge that this was our "virgin" night. Ahh, fresh blood always excites night crawlers.

He eagerly invited us in, assuring us if we didn’t like it, we could walk out.

As the heavy wooden Oriental doors were pushed open, a karaoke hall greets us. With velvet couches in plush red hues in a semi-circle facing a brightly lit stage, it wasn’t that big of a venue despite its impressive entrance. There were 3 private karaoke rooms at the back and a bar counter that is filled with sashes and fake flower lays.

Still feeling shy, we chose an inconspicuous corner and we sat down. The hour was still early and so the club was empty except for our table and another 2 filled with large groups of women in their thirties. I could feel the men's eyes watching us as we entered and even as they walk pass our table, I could see them checking us out. Probably taking note if we are wearing expensive watches or carrying branded handbags.

So this is how a man feel when a woman is overly concerned about his job, house and car.

The pink haired papa-san sent 2 boys our way. I assumed that any working male who came to talk to us is chargeable so I was guarded and kept words to the bare minimum. My jaw only relaxed after knowing that’s not how it works. We both ordered 2 mugs of beer ($12 each). The cheapest on the menu, we didn’t want to seem cheapskate for not ordering anything. A jug costs $35, house pours $18 and bottles $200 and above.

I got the Stephan Fung look-alike, my unlucky friend got a Chinese who looks less than average. I did a quick sweep around the club and these were the quality of men around.
Local TV Yuan Shuai look-alike
Local TV look-alike Dai Yang Tian

F4 member

They are all at least 1.7m tall, fair and dressed in suits. They all seem to fit a certain look, the pretty boy type and not the muscular or sporty sort. They all have the same hairstyle too, long and swept to the side. Perhaps the current flavour is the Korean pop star pretty boy. Most are Chinese on a 6 month visa (i don't know what sort of visa, is it a social pass, employment pass or ?), with one or two Singaporeans or Thais.
My Stephen Fung look-alike is on day 6 of his new job. He has a white collar day job and the night job was to supplement his income in caring for his aged parents. It did tugged at my heart strings and i almost bought him a flower.

At a male host bar, the working men do not get paid an hourly or monthly salary. Instead they earn from the commission when you buy/present them flowers. Flowers start from $50 and can go up to as much as you please. Female patrons have spent thousands in a night, homosexuals too. It's akin to a tip in appreciation for their time to sit and chat with you, for their talents in singing and dancing, and some say "special services".

If you fancy any looker and want to date him on a working night, you can pay $150 for each hour you take him off work early.

Normal conversations ensued with the Stephen Fung look-alike. He kept clinking glass with me in an effort to make me drink=spend more but i gave the excuse of being the designated driver. All the other patrons are well-behaved and stayed in their seats. "Not intoxicated enough", my boy told me. Loud giggles can be heard as they drank more.

I bumped into a bespectacled woman in the bathroom. She kept her head down and seemed awfully shy.  Probably too shy to get any men's attention outside and thus seek it inside the bar. Stephen Fung look-alike asked me why did i use my real name, i shrugged my shoulders. Did the girls who come here feel ashamed of their hobby? Do they all use fake personas or become a different vixen as soon as they push open those Oriental doors?

Getting bored with the entertainment on stage as well as the conversation between me and the boy, i asked "why is it all Mandarin songs being sung on stage?" He told me a pole dance (by men) will start at 1am and most of the working men are not well versed in English. When it was his turn to sing (he is a Singaporean), he told me he picked an English song specially for me.

I'm sure he didn't intend me to feel this way but my hair stood for he was trying too hard. He picked Aerosmith's "Don't want to Miss a thing" and while singing on stage, he tried to mesmerize me with his eyes.

The girl designated to push the sale of flowers came to sit beside me while my boy was singing on stage and asked if i would show my support for $50 or more. I unabashedly shook my head. I was curious enough to check such a place out, but not desperate enough to buy company. Respectful enough, she did not push me for a sale. My boy must be disappointed because he told me earlier it's depressing when customers don't buy flowers. Not so much because of the money, but it was an ego buster.

Men are men after all, regardless if they are degrading themselves or not.

It is debatable, if such a job is degrading. Sex for money is not discussed at this bar but you do not rule out the possibility. It is a direct private arrangement between the boy and the patron, and it's a grey area of the law. Most would go for the companionship, the Boyfriend Experience even. They exchange numbers with the patrons. In the day, they can go out on dates (where the girl possibly pays, sugar mummy remember?) and any time the patrons need some affection or a listening ear, there is the number to dial. The boys are building up their regulars, it is is a form of CRM, customer relationship management. To keep the ladies patronizing the club, buying flowers and drinking even if there's no sex.

After all, women are emotional creatures. I am not at the age or stage where i need this sort of entertainment, but i got to admit i did enjoy my time there. Sipping a $12 mug of beer, the one boy and his papa-san made me feel comfortable and at ease.

I left at 12.45am, i did not stay long enough to see the pole-dance nor scandalous scenes. What a perfect excuse to check it out a second time! 


Anonymous said...

It is because woman feel desperate so they go find man.

Anonymous said...

Despo just say despo, need to be more honest.

men go ktv also just to touch touch, go toilet have some action.

it's the same, whichever sex you belong to, all need to have some good sex.

we can paint it as nice as we want, but it's just the same thing.

Unknown said...

The opportunity you have been waiting for is here beside you. Am Abdul Rahim by name i just want to tell you guys my success story I have been looking for a sugar mummy and my friend looking for sugar daddy for the past 7 months without getting it But Agent collins surprises me by hooking me up with one sugar mummy in Jurong that pay me $2000 each time i meet with her i can make upto 10k to 12k a month. now i am chilling out out with her, she is lovely and caring giving me anything i wish from her. if you have been passing through fake agents just as i experience in the past you can contact agent Collins via (whatsaapp +60164390914) for the sake of young, future folks out there like me, i will continue to spread this message no matter the time it will cost me in doing this. Majority in our country (Singapore) have fail to realize that the evil they do will surely reverse upon them no matter how long it takes When you visit the internet these days, you will be confused. you won’t even know whom to do business with online in singapore anymore.Almost all sugar mummy agent are scam but the only one that was able to deliver his promise by introducing me and some of my friends to rich sugar mummies is agent collins. And because am not selfish type i have to provide his you can contact the agent through whatsaap +60164390914. i just felt that its better i make people aware of whom to trust and do business with since majority in our country singapore no longer have conscience for their fellow brothers anymore just because of greed and money. I believe the reason people go in search for sugar mummy and daddy is because they don't have enough money yet these heartless people still rub them of their hard earned money, and i pray that the LAW OF KARMA would catch up with them please my friends out there, i wouldn't want you to fall victim to any acclaim agent like i have did before i finally got this God sent breakthrough through agent Collins. you can get yours now by whatsaap +60164390914.mind you mummy pay you $2000 each time you guys meet.

Unknown said...

The opportunity you have been waiting for is here beside you. Am Abdul Rahim by name i just want to tell you guys my success story I have been looking for a sugar mummy and my friend looking for sugar daddy for the past 7 months without getting it But Agent collins surprises me by hooking me up with one sugar mummy in Jurong that pay me $2000 each time i meet with her i can make upto 10k to 12k a month. now i am chilling out out with her, she is lovely and caring giving me anything i wish from her. if you have been passing through fake agents just as i experience in the past you can contact agent Collins via (whatsaapp +60164390914) for the sake of young, future folks out there like me, i will continue to spread this message no matter the time it will cost me in doing this. Majority in our country (Singapore) have fail to realize that the evil they do will surely reverse upon them no matter how long it takes When you visit the internet these days, you will be confused. you won’t even know whom to do business with online in singapore anymore.Almost all sugar mummy agent are scam but the only one that was able to deliver his promise by introducing me and some of my friends to rich sugar mummies is agent collins. And because am not selfish type i have to provide his you can contact the agent through whatsaap +60164390914. i just felt that its better i make people aware of whom to trust and do business with since majority in our country singapore no longer have conscience for their fellow brothers anymore just because of greed and money. I believe the reason people go in search for sugar mummy and daddy is because they don't have enough money yet these heartless people still rub them of their hard earned money, and i pray that the LAW OF KARMA would catch up with them please my friends out there, i wouldn't want you to fall victim to any acclaim agent like i have did before i finally got this God sent breakthrough through agent Collins. you can get yours now by whatsaap +60164390914.mind you mummy pay you $2000 each time you guys meet.

Poppy said...

So interesting!!
Thanks for sharing:))

Anonymous said...

BOOST YOUR INCOME WITH EXECUTIVE SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY For Instant Hook Up, Agent Chloe will get you connected Via Whatsapp+60182038747 GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP+60182038747 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed. Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy? are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and shells holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm4,000 TO Rm5,000 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA. We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact Agent (VIA WHATSAPP +60182038747) FOR INSTANT HOOK UP. in kuala lumpur Malaysia

Hookup Agency said...

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601139660369 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm4,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +601139660369.

Adult Entertainment Club said...

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST SINGAPORE DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP : +6585474597 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed. Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or sugar mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddies from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and shells holders who are willing to pay as much as $ 3000 to $ 5000 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in SINGAPORE. We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP FOR INSTANT HOOK UP.

Hookup Agency said...

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601139660369 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm4,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +601139660369.

Unknown said...

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST SINGAPORE DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP : +6585474597 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed. Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or sugar mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddies from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and shells holders who are willing to pay as much as $ 3000 to $ 5000 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in SINGAPORE.

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Legit way for all men living in singapore to make sgd $4,500 daily from rich mummy in singapore whatsap agent Rania now on +601128518673 to get your mummy. We have rich mummy all over singapore and they will pay you $4,500 any time you meet them whatsap the trusted agent now on +601128518673 and start making $4,500 daily



SAY NO TO FAKE AGENT OF SUGAR MUMMY LET PUT AN END TO THOSE FRAUDULENT AGENT HELLO FELLOW MALAYSIANS I want to use this medium to thank and appreciate Mrs Rania for a successful job well done by connecting me to a rich and wealthy sugar Mummy and daddy who happen to become my sugar mummy I never thought there are still true and reliable agent who can connect me because i have been cheated so many times by fake agent who claims to be an agent of sugar mummy and daddy hookup some of them even claim to work for the Asia dating venture. I spent little money but I never regretted because I got what I was looking for and right now am with her. She payed me for the first night as agreed and she has been the one taking good care of me. Am so so happy and glad of having her. Am proud of her ALLAH bless the day I knew Mrs Rania and Allah bless you all for reading my message you can contact Mrs Rania via the same whatsapp number +601128518673 Please be wear of fraudsters because many of them claim to be Mrs Rania, the only Mrs Rania I know uses only one whatsapp phone number Which is .+601128518673 I wish you success in all what you are doing fellow Malaysians help me say a big thanks to Mrs Rania and I will continue to testify your good work ANYWHERE I GO IN THIS WORLD. GO ON WITH YOUR GOOD WORK.The only money i pay to hookup as registration fees is 600rm only. NO HIDDEN FEES AGAIN!!!



SAY NO TO FAKE AGENT OF SUGAR MUMMY LET PUT AN END TO THOSE FRAUDULENT AGENT HELLO FELLOW MALAYSIANS I want to use this medium to thank and appreciate Mrs Rania for a successful job well done by connecting me to a rich and wealthy sugar Mummy and daddy who happen to become my sugar mummy I never thought there are still true and reliable agent who can connect me because i have been cheated so many times by fake agent who claims to be an agent of sugar mummy and daddy hookup some of them even claim to work for the Asia dating venture. I spent little money but I never regretted because I got what I was looking for and right now am with her. She payed me for the first night as agreed and she has been the one taking good care of me. Am so so happy and glad of having her. Am proud of her ALLAH bless the day I knew Mrs Rania and Allah bless you all for reading my message you can contact Mrs Rania via the same whatsapp number +601128518673 Please be wear of fraudsters because many of them claim to be Mrs Rania, the only Mrs Rania I know uses only one whatsapp phone number Which is .+601128518673 I wish you success in all what you are doing fellow Malaysians help me say a big thanks to Mrs Rania and I will continue to testify your good work ANYWHERE I GO IN THIS WORLD. GO ON WITH YOUR GOOD WORK.The only money i pay to hookup as registration fees is 600rm only. NO HIDDEN FEES AGAIN!!!

Agent Fatima said...

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +60169834133) now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +60169834133) payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +60169834133) for urgent hook up...


Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Cynthia Corvin. I live in USA and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 2 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of usd$250,000.00 . Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Cynthia that refer you to him. contact Mr. Isa Mohammed ,via email:( Thank you.

Agent fatima said...

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women. This sugar mummy hookup organisation is for serious people only. Contact agent fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456

Agent fatima said...

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601131427456 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +601131427456) for urgent hook up...

Agent fatima said...

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now 
Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Agent fatima said...

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601131427456 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +601131427456) for urgent hook up...

Agent fatima said...

Malaysia mummy hookup connection available. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +601131427456 . Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.

Agent fatima said...

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women. This sugar mummy hookup organisation is for serious people only. Contact agent fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456

Agent fatima said...

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456 SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +601131427456

Agent fatima said...

+601131427456 The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456

Agent fatima said...

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need sex satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap

Mummies available in all this location now 

Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Agent fatima said...

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now 
Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Agent fatima said...

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Fatima now (+601131427456

Agent fatima said...

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp +601131427456 and meet your mummy

Agent fatima said...

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now 
Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Agent fatima said...

Malaysia mummy hookup connection available. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +601131427456 . Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.

Are you interested in sugar mummy or daddy WhatsApp us +60173385926 said...

Malaysia mummy hookup connection available WhatsApp us +60108921050. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +60108921050. Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.

Agent fatima said...

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need sex satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap

Mummies available in all this location now 

Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Agent fatima said...

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia. ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456 SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA,
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +601131427456

Agent fatima said...

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar mummy. Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601131427456 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +601131427456) for urgent hook up...

Agent fatima said...

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now 
Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Agent fatima said...

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Fatima now (+601131427456

Agent fatima said...

Malaysia mummy hookup connection available. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +601131427456 . Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.

Agent fatima said...

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now 
Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Agent fatima said...

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women. This sugar mummy hookup organisation is for serious people only. Contact agent fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456

Hookup Agency said...

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050.

Hookup Agency said...

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050

Hookup Agency said...

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050 for your registration.

Mia said...


Mia said...


Hookup Agency said...


Mia said...

ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp: +601121042672 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm10,000-Rm20,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp :+601121042672.

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