Before i go into saying why i am not crazy, i had dinner last night at this new Thai restuarant nearby. Nice ambience, good food but uber pricey! Thai food is rare here anyway.

We had dinner at 10pm, after much needed retail therapy! Fridays are late nights in the city. The shops close at 9pm instead of the usual 5pm.

This is autumn fashion.

Thai fishcakes..five only! Very nice, costs $8.50 (heart pain).

Phad thai (the omelette covers the real amount of noodles underneath. Not alot) and yellow curry. Gives me inspiration as to what to add to my home made curry next time. Got cherry tomato, sweet potato, peas, bamboo shoots, capsicum..very healthy leh.

Although there werent many dishes, and 3 of us are big eaters...we still ended up pretty full. Because of all the coconut milk in the curry. Final bill split, $15 each.

Melons at an empty plot of land nearby! I chanced upon it while jogging. Was wondering what these balls were in the field...went closer and they're melons!! The right one, the small one is the usual size. THe left one, the super huge one is the extraordinary one.
They are not watermelons, by the way. Don't what yet, i am thinking winter melon. My housemate asked if i dare to eat. THe boyfriend says DO NOT FEED HIM. If i cook soup with it, you think he will know meh. *evil laugh*

Now comes to my explaination why i am not crazy. A while back, like very long ago when the japanese is still here. I remembered i had a packet of sauce to cook Char Kway Tiao (something i brought back from singapore). I left it on the kitchen counter, so as to cook for dinner. When i came home, the packet is gone!! At that time, it was only me, the Japanese and the Australian living in the house. I searched high and lo, it couldnt be found. So i start thinking that i am hallucinating, i actually didnt take out or even bring back such a packet. But i really felt i DID take out such a packet to put on the counter top! So the only reason of what could happen was..somemore threw it away. I actually went to search the garbage bags ok! That reason came about because the Japanese DID throw away my thing when i accidentally left it in her supposedly "space".
But i found nothing in the garbage, not even the big bin outside the house. (yes, i am that crazy to find out the truth). And so i thought i was disillusioned. BUt i didnt give up! I went to the Asian stores to find the packet, because i needed to know if such a Char Kway Tiao packet really existed. Or was i really disillussioned. Guess what, none of the asian stores had it, so i really thought i was siao. I dreamt the entire thing up.
6 months later, i found the char kway tiao in one of the asian stores. So yes, i am not crazy. I think she did threw mine out.

A birthday lunch for Alvin! He looks kinda cartoon here.

What a feast! Exam time now.
Exams - the chance to display how good you are, compared to your other classmates. Hope you are making full use of the opportunity especially since there are not many more opportunities left till end of the year...postitive thinking,mnd
Phew.. at least that jap ain't there anymore... :p otherwise you could tell her u wanna thorw her most precious thing out... but then u will exclaim that you cannot find anything on her or ABOUT her that's precious... boo hoo...
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