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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

One Way.

I asked many men if they would mind their girl altering their face (plastic surgery).
Men: “ I don’t mind.”
Men: “Doesn’t really bother me.”
Men: “Don’t really care.”

Then I asked, “But what if your kid comes out and the baby looks TOTALLY different. I.E in extreme cases, a face change”

Men: “OH RIGHT!! Hmmm….I never thought of it that way.”

A moment of silence, as their eyebrows frown and they slip into serious concentration and consideration.

Again, I asked many men what they thought about one-night stands. If we take sexual diseases out of the equation (read: protection), they wouldn’t really mind.

Men: “Sure.”
Men: “No big deal.”
Men: “Can do.”
Men: “Would do.”

Then I asked, “But what if the next day, the psycho bitch turns around and accused you of rape?”

Men: “OH RIGHT!! Hmmm….I never thought of it that way.”

A moment of silence, as their eyebrows frown and they slip into serious concentration and consideration.

As much as I love men, I really think they think one way.

If only they think one way with just one girl.

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