In rupiah that is. And i haven't done this "victory" sign in photos for a very long time. It's so old-school.
Upon our arrival, we went straight to Jimbayan or is it ran beach for a seafood feast. I was expecting chilli crab, seafood, stringray..you know the fare we always have in Singapore.

Tiny crabs that i gave up picking at, grilled prawns which were nice, battered squid where were also nice, tiny clams which were the best and fish which were dry. Even their kangkong was not cooked the way i liked it..with sambal. But i finished every last piece still, i love my food too much. Besides, always count your blessings that you have food to eat. And, haven't you heard? If you leave food (actually, rice) around your plate without finishing, your future partner will have pimply skin.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall. There're mirrors everywhere. That's the welcome drink we had...lemongrass ginger something. Absolutely refreshing...
I always check out the bathroom immediately upon arrival. Its huge as well, L-shaped. A glass shower, a bath tub, a glass peeing area and your sink. Lotsa plush towels to use. I always stay with my family on vacation, and we always have to 'save' the towels. 5 of us, 3 towels..4 max.
This time round, i can use 1 for my body, 1 for my hair, 1 for my shoulder and 1 for my feet. Muahahaa....being alone is bliss.
Soaked in the tub with my drink for a bit. Am not Fiona Xie, so have to stylise the picture a little, otherwise too RA for a normal human. Hahaha....
Now i know why Ivan is biiiig on soaking in the bath tub whenever we check into our hotels. Besides the fact, that he likes to 数毛毛 too.
We woke up next morning for some physical activity. It was a good workout, i hope we get the pictures that were took. I was in interesting positions and i think i'm pretty good at it being the fittest. Heh
You're probably going to be seeing alot of individual pictures. Pardon me for that, i'm not narcissist (ok, maybe just a little). It's just that usually we hang out in a pair, or trio in our free time and sometimes not everyone wanna be in the picture, and we can't find another person to take a group shot yadda yadda.
And we had breakfast right in this outdoor area. Ahhh..such luxury. Like i said, thankfully...there's this other girl who eats as much as me, if not more (the one below on the left). So both of us are breakfast buddies. I'll call her up, we'll meet and do our rounds at the breakfast buffet. She'll always remind me to start with the fruits first. I'm like "Stop torturing me! I wanna go straight to the mains!"
And i ventured off alone while waiting for my turn...and found this vintage spot.
I think i'm the only girl who found this place and have these pictures...because the rest will just die under the sun and heat.
Lunch was by the poolside. Intercontinental have 6 pools. They all link to one another actually.
Lunch was gooood....first we had smoked duck salad. The salad leaves were bitter ( i'm not sure what's it called) but i still finished it all. Read first para :0
The main was sweet.
And dessert was heaven.
Then ok, i showed one other girl my secret place.

Hagen Daz was only SGD 2 though. But the heat was so great there that it melted faster than i could lick.
It was some religious period i think, or they do it everyday. But they like to put their offerings/ incense burnings in the middle of the road, in the middle of everything. We always have to be careful where we step. Don't want to offend anyone.
This is their SNAKE fruit. The skin texture and look is totally like a snake. I didn't like the taste though. Very Siap Siap, if you can understand. Hah.
This is the last picture that i took. We were so tired from walking under the hot sun, i was hot sweaty and sticky by this time. It might sound hot and sexy, but really unglam when i took out my wet tissue and start wiping my armpits. Hahahhaa! Buay tahan lah! For once, i found somewhere else's weather that is more unbearable than Singapore's. Then again, Singapore is 80% air-con. So maybe that's why...
And so that marks Bali.
Siap siap? I do not understand this.
hahaha, it's a kind of feeling i don't even know how to describe!
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